Auberge du port

Auberge du port

Reception rooms

Reception rooms

Reception rooms

Le Loufoque

20 guests

Small meeting room adjacent to Le Capitaine, with a capacity of up to 20 guests. Equipped with all the audio/video, projector and TV systems, this room is perfect for seminars and refreshers, private small group meetings, business and family breakfasts.

Le Capitaine

80 guests

Room that can hold up to 80 guests. In place TV and audio/video projector, technical accessories available, adjacent to the restaurant, perfect for receptions such as: wedding, baptism, office party, congress and business brunch.

Le Capitaine

80 guests

Room that can hold up to 80 guests. In place TV and audio/video projector, technical accessories available, adjacent to the restaurant, perfect for receptions such as: wedding, baptism, office party, congress and business brunch.

Le Moussaillon

100 guests

Room that can hold up to 100 guests. In place TV and audio/video projector, technical accessories available. Perfect for business meetings necessiting an important amount of seated places. This room might as well be a good choice for themed parties with multiple decors.

For more information about reception rooms booking